New Zealand's Most Advanced Fencing Systems


BelAire Fencing has completed thousands of fencing jobs and has satisfied many NZ home owners from glass fencing and balustrades to slat fences and acoustic walls, we have learnt a lot about installing and completing fencing projects in NZ, our fence blog page hopefully helps you with some of the tips and tricks to creating a great fence for your property and how BelAire could support you in your most valued investment.
See below some blogs on some of the learnings we have picked up over the past 50 years of being involved in fencing from council issues to trying to sort out a fence with your neighbors, pool fencing regulations and engineering. Here at BelAire we would love to be involved in your project so please don't hesitate to give us a call.

Download BelAire’s fencing Brochure

The BelAire brochures are filled with information about all our products, from pillars to screws, we have detailed every piece.

Or Download Our Latest Flip Book Here
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